

Time Off

Well I started this blog a while ago with totally different intentions than I have now.  It's been a long time since I wrote anything on this blog (so long, in fact that I forgot I had it!).  I actually closed my other site ( down and am currently looking through the Ezekielthree blog to transfer some articles over to this one.  The LORD has shown me a few things over the past year or two that have really caused some spiritual growth.  But just like physical growth, it doesn't happen without some pain.  I decided to take some time off from writing in order to focus on other areas that I believe He was wanting to work with me on.  Reflecting on both difficult and joyous times has lead me to understand a little bit more about God's faithfulness.  He never stops pursuing us nor does He ever run out of mercy.  It's not God who fails us, but we who fail Him.  I decided to start writing on this blog again and hope to bring encouragement, inspiration, and a testimony of HIS glory.  I also plan on sharing other things like how-to's, photos, and whatever else I find interesting...and hopefully you will to!

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