


Are you stressed? 
How often have you had a sore neck because of stress?  Maybe it was even a little stiff?

The Bible says that a stiff-necked person is one who is rebelling against God.  Does that apply to you?

In Exodus 32 we read about a bunch of "stiff-necked people" who made a golden calf and worshiped it rather than the Living God who brought them out of Egypt.  Certainly we aren't like them!  Or are we?

I can think of several times right off hand that my neck has been stiff and NOT because I slept on it wrong or wrenched it somehow.  It was literally stiff for a duration, and each time I was in rebellion against my Creator.

"Yes, but I'm simply stressed out!  You can't tell me it's because I'm rebellious!"  Well, I think I can.  The bible says that the heart of man (and woman) is deceitful and desperately wicked and only God truly knows it (Jeremiah 17:9-10).  We are a rebellious lot to begin with, but let's consider what "stress" really is.

When we are under stress, or even feeling a little depressed, we are under the barrage of the things of this world.  Whether it be our job, our relationships, our bad habits, or what-have-you, a stressed out body is simply the effect of an underlying cause. 

If we are stressing over something could it be that we are simply not trusting God?

I think in most applications this applies.  Our bodies were created to give off warning signs whenever we get away from the design of our Creator. 
Consider Psalm 38:7-8 or Psalm 32:3-4!  Real physical results of a person out of sync with YAH. 

God is so faithful to give us warning when we get off track, and yet so many times we refuse to listen.  We can become sick if we don't take care of ourselves, which is a form of rebellion.   Even eating in opposition to what God says we are to eat is a rebellious attitude (when we are aware of it) and can bring judgment.   I believe that when we are stressed out and burdened we are simply in a place of doubting or not trusting God, or rebelling against His commands.

He has given us everything we need in order to have faith in we hold on to that?

Consider the event with Peter and Yeshua (Jesus) during the storm at sea.  In Matthew 14:22-33.
In that story the disciples were caught in the midst of a tumultuous storm while Yeshua had gone up to a mountain to pray.  It says that the boat was being tossed about because the waves were "contrary". 
Then we're told that Messiah came walking on the water about the "fourth watch of the night" - the time just before dawn.  The disciples thought it was a ghost but Yeshua called out and told them not to fear.  Then Peter (you gotta love this) answered and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water."  So Yeshua did and Peter came out of the boat and...walked on water!  All because of his faith in his Shepherd!  But we all know what happened next.  Peter began taking his eyes off of the Lord and focused on the storm around him.  When he did, he was afraid and began to sink and cried for Yeshua to save him.  Messiah did save him.  He stretched out His hand and caught him.  What He said to Peter, though, is so interesting.  He said, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"  Why did you doubt?  Whuh?!  The guy just walked on water!  I can not imagine having the faith to walk on water like Peter did.  However, I think I'm finally seeing what Yeshua was saying there.  No matter how big the "storm" is, when we take our eyes off of Him, we begin to place our faith or trust in something (or someone) else.  When we take our eyes off of Yeshua we LET the cares and/or fears of this world overpower our faith in Him.  I've understood that concept for a good number of years, but it actually sinks in more and more the further I walk in this life.  And the more storms I face.

The Creator of all things is able to save us from anything, yet we doubt.  We become afraid.  We grow weary.  Why?  Because we don't trust Him.  We don't cry out to Him.  We rely on our own strength. 

Don't beat yourself up if you are under stress, tribulation is a part of life.  However, seek the Lord during that time.

Remember, God is the God of peace and He promises His peace toward us!  He also promises to work all things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose!  What awesome promises.

Sure, stress is a part of this world and something that we will probably always have to deal with on this side of eternity, but it is NOT something that should rule over us.  Stress is simply another challenge to overcome by trusting in our Savior and walking with Him.  The effects of stress (which could be a stiff neck, sore shoulders, inflammation, etc...) are warning signs that we need to stop and seek the Lord for answers and direction. 

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