


Storms are amazing.  They're at once terrifying and peaceful.  
An awe-inspiring reflection of our Creator.

As I was driving home the other day a storm was heading in from the west.  It was moving very quickly and changing constantly.  As I came to a certain place on the road I noticed this large field and how the clouds looked at that moment and I thought, "I've GOT to get a picture!".
So I pulled over, got out and started snapping away on my iphone.  Oh, if only I had a really nice camera!  Someday, perhaps.  But for now I'm very thankful that I've got something to take pictures with that I have handy all the time (and doesn't do half bad ;)   ).

Anyway, as I stood there taking pictures of this huge storm moving my way I could feel the wind picking up speed.  The trees blew more violently around me and I could smell the rain coming.  What a frightfully wonderful moment!  It reminded me so much of my God.  How amazingly powerful HE is.

The One Who created all things and controls all weather was watching me as I stood there, pretty helpless really, as the storm approached.  Though in HIM I'm not helpless.  Granted it could have been a much worse storm, but that's the thing with never really know how the storm is going to be until you're in it.  God knows this.  He knows what the storms of life are going to be like for us because He knows the outcome.  He also became as one of us so that He might be able to be our perfect intercessor and author and finisher of our faith.  Able to identify in EVERY way with us, no matter what the temptation is that we face.

Hebrews says,

"For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings."
- Hebrews 2:10

When Messiah came to earth in the form of man(kind) He did so for the purpose of dying and defeating the devil who has the power of death.  To give us hope for victory over our own sinful nature.  He did not count His own life more than ours.  He allowed Himself to be murdered by lawless hands so that we might have hope for eternal HIM (Acts 2:23).

I'm still learning that the "storms" I face in life are there to teach me to reach out to my Savior more and more.  The event with Peter comes to my mind in which, when he focused on the Lord he actually walked on water, but as soon as he took his eyes away from HIM and looked at the overwhelming (so he thought) storm around him, Peter began to sink (Matthew 14:22-33).  Everytime I face that storm I have a choice to make:  Will I be fearful and try to save myself, OR will I keep focused on my God and trust HIM to increase my faith in HIM and lead me through it?  This is a question we all must ask ourselves often.  Sometimes we will trust in ourselves, but praise the Lord for His mercy to not allow us to be wiped out and instead give us another chance to trust Him.  However, I don't want to keep making that mistake of trying to do it on my own.  I want to trust Him more everyday, and actually FOLLOW Him through the storm.

There's great peace in the midst of a terrible storm...when you trust the One who allowed it in the first place.

"For You have been a strength to the poor, 
a strength to the needy in his distress, 
a refuge in the storm,
a shade from the heat;
for the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall."
- Isaiah 25:4 

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