


Many in this world are preaching a message of unity with other religions and beliefs, not that this is anything new, but it is becoming more and more prevalent.  Tolerance is the word for the day.
What is more frightening is the fact that professing Christendom is accepting, or even proclaiming in many cases, this same message.
It is the spirit of antichrist, plain and simple.
James says that friendship with the world makes yourself an enemy of God (James 4:4).
The giant blanket of Christianity is encompassing many "faiths" and leading people to destruction. The many teachers in the professing church are making people twice the son of hell as they are. Certainly not all christians are like this, but more than there should be.
And yet it doesn't stop there. Far too many Jewish people are progressing in this belief at any cost. It seems that not only are many Jews still denying Yeshua/Jesus as the Messiah, but they are believing that there are many ways to God and the message of unity which the world is preaching. In fact, many of them (though not all) are not just believing it, they are the cause.

Even IF Yeshua is not the Messiah (though we know He is), God in His Torah (loving commandments) still states that there is ONLY one way to Him and salvation - by walking in Him and His commandments through faith (Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 10:12-16; 26:17). He clearly says not to worship any other gods (Exodus 20:3-6; 23:19). He says He hates false gods and religious practices (Leviticus 19:26-31; Deuteronomy 7:25-26) and the ways of the other nations (Deuteronomy 9:5; 12:30-31).
Yahweh (God) condemns other religions and false practices because He is the ONLY true God.
So now we come to the fact that Yeshua is God in the flesh (John 8:57-58; Colossians 1:15-16; 2:9-10; 1 John 4:2-3). So in accordance with that fact, He is also the ONLY way to the Father (John 14:6).
Messiah did not come to destroy or do away with the Torah, but to fully teach it (Matthew 5:17-19; 7:16), thereby establishing the foundation of our faith.

He (Yahweh/Yeshua/Holy Spirit) is God and the only way of salvation. We as human beings in the flesh (sinful nature) do not like to hear when we're wrong about something. But if we are in a lie, shouldn't we let go of that and hold fast to the truth, no matter what the cost? The truth is the truth and we can't change that, nor should we want to. Yeshua IS salvation for us and His commandments (Torah) are our instruction in obedience to Him. It's by His grace, through our faith that we are saved so that we can then walk in obedience to Him - proving our faith is real.
There is no substitute for Yeshua, no other way to be saved, and anyone who believes otherwise will NOT be excepted into the kingdom of God (John 3:36; Hebrews 2:3; 10:29; Revelation 20:15). That's not my words, but His.

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