


Remember two things:
1. Do not add to or take away from the Word of Elohim (which is transliterated in our bibles as 'God' but more closely means 'mighty ones' or Mighty One). When we do this we begin to make His Word say whatever we want it to say, and that's definitely not a good thing.
Our Elohim's word as a WHOLE (Genesis to Revelation) is ALL relevant for us today to learn from.
However, if we add to/take away from it we are choosing to say that we decide what is important and what is not in the Word.
Eve did this in the Garden and look at the mess we ended up with. She added to Elohim's word.
How did she do that?  Yahuah (Elohim's name) told Adam that he could eat of any tree in the Garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The day he ate of it would be the day that he would die.
When the serpent told Eve to eat some of the fruit of that tree, she said that they could neither eat it nor touch it.
Did you catch that? Eve added to the word of Yahuah, because He never said they couldn't touch the fruit, only that they would die if they were to eat it.
Either Eve thought it was a good measure not to touch the fruit, or Adam didn't relay the instructions correctly, but he was standing there beside her and never spoke a word, so in the end they were both disobedient.
When Eve added to Elohim's word, Satan saw an open door and walked right in. He said, "Surely you will not die" and when Eve touched the fruit and saw that she didn't die, she then believed that she could eat the fruit and live. However, we know what happened.
We cannot add to nor take away from Elohim's word without receiving judgment for it, and He has a standard which His judgment is based on. That standard is His Law.

We have to look at the foundation of Yahuah's Word which is Genesis through Deuteronomy, also known as the Torah (meaning instructions or teachings). This is what Elohim established as the foundation for His entire word, and the Prophets, the Writings (Psalms, etc...), and the whole New Testament confirm what He said in His Torah while bringing further revelation.

If we understand this, then things really start to make sense. No more trying to fill in the blanks like we've done before.  Elohim intended His word to be read and understood by anybody and everybody, and for His people to obey it.

2. The Scriptures can't contradict themselves if they are the inspired Word of Yahuah. In fact it will always explain itself if we read not just a verse or two, but the whole context of what is being said in any given chapter or book. We have to look throughout Elohim's word and keep our mind focused on what He is trying to say to us.

We also have to try and set aside many of the commentaries, books, and devotionals where men try and "explain" the bible.  Don't get me wrong because the Spirit of Elohim does bestow gifts of teaching to men but when any man teaches anything in contradiction to the Word he is in serious error and sin.   We need to simply look at what Yahuah Himself is saying in His word, remembering that His Torah(Law) is the foundation for everything He says.

It's not that all those men and women aren't educated or don't have a heart for Yahuah, but when we look to their writings and commentaries for our answers instead of the One who has all the answers we'll often get confused and misdirected by the enemy.  The gift of teaching is there to confirm what the Spirit has already said to someone who reads His Word.

The heart of every man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked! (Jeremiah 17:9). When we look to the teachings of man and hold them at or even above the word of Elohim then we are standing in great peril.
We don't need a scholarly professor to tell us the truth of the Scriptures. Remember, the Holy (set apart) Spirit is here to teach us which means we really CAN understand what Elohim is saying through His word!
If we are saved then we have the Spirit Who sets us apart from those things that oppose His truth and He will teach us the truth.   As Jesus (Yahushua) said, "..Your [the Father] Word IS truth" - John 17:17

"Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Your Law is truth" - Psalm 119:142

The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever." - Psalm 119:160

Just keep reading the Scriptures everyday, keeping in mind that as New Covenant believers Elohim's WHOLE word, Genesis to Revelation, is relevant and applicable for us even today! Nowhere in the Scripture does Yahuah say that the "Old Testament" in now done away with or useless or just "for the Jews". In fact, every New Testament author and even Yahushua Himself proclaimed the relevance and importance of the Old Testament (Scriptures) and proved that point by constantly quoting from it. And they did so, not just to point to fulfilled passages about Jesus, but to also show how important and applicable the Old Testament is in the life of a New Covenant believer!

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