

Waiting or Moving Forward?

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  I guess it's the uneasy struggle we all have sometimes of trying to balance work, family, friends, and other things that consume our time.  Not that any of those are bad (most of the time), but they do require our attention. 

I suppose another reason I've been a lazy blogger as of late is because I've been working on...drum roll...a new site!  Well, a few sites actually.  I know, you're thinking, "Geez, you can't even keep up with this one consistently but you're gonna add more?!  Okay, Mr. Overachiever."   Or maybe you're thinking,  "I really need to get groceries tomorrow."  Or maybe, "I wonder what clouds look like over China?"  I don't know.  Maybe I'm way off on that last one.


When I started this blog I didn't have a specific purpose in mind (kind of like that last paragraph) other than to share my thoughts on things in my life.  I realize that's what blogging is often times, sharing one's thoughts, but I wanted a little more direction.  A little more direction and a lot more room!  I've got a lot of things I'd like to share and this just doesn't seem like the right place for all of it, so I'm going to offer a few places for your reading and listening pleasure.

Yah willing I will be launching a new site dedicated to looking more intently at His Word.  I also am in the works of launching 2 other sites:  1. Will be a site focusing solely on Health and the other 2. will be a site offering up music that I hope to record within the next few months.  I'm super excited!  I'm not rushing things though because I want them to be in HIS timing, not mine.  I also have to be realistic in knowing I've got a busy schedule coming up.  I'll be recording drums on a full length album, I have to get the garden ready for planting in the next couple of months and I have a business to keep up with.   Whew!  I need a nap.

So what does all this have to do with the title of this post?  I think it's a timing issue.  Often times we like to "go" when our Creator says, "Stay here a while" or "stay" when He says, "Okay, time to head out".  But as we walk with Him, seeking to please Him in obedience to His Word we find ourselves in that process of waiting AND moving forward (just not at the same time since that'd be kinda hard).   He never tells us to stay in one place for the rest of our lives nor does He want us to always keep hiking along if He has something for us by the way.
Hopefully I'm learning better each day to "stay" when He says stay and "go" when He says go. 

Whether I'm here or there I'm just very thankful to be on this journey with my Shepherd.


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