

A Cool Wind

I'm sitting on my back porch this morning, eating breakfast and enjoying a beautiful sunrise.  The birds are chirping back and forth, and my roosters are crowing. peaceful.  The one thing that really keeps getting my attention, though, is the somewhat cool breeze.  It'll feel nice later in the day when the sun is overhead and hot, however, right now it's a bit too crisp for me to be totally comfortable. 
That got me to thinking about the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives.  The Hebrew word for "spirit" is ruach which means "wind; breath (as in exhalation)".   In the Greek it is pneuma which means the same.  That concept of the Spirit and wind was used by Yeshua when He was speaking to Nicodemus in John 3:8.
The Holy Spirit cannot be touched, but He can be felt.  He can't be seen, but He can see into the depth of our own spirit.  We can't sway Him, but He can move us to greater things beyond ourselves.  God even promised that He would cause us to walk in His Commandments by His Spirit (Ezekiel 36:27).

So what does this have to do with the cool breeze on my back porch, you might ask?  Well this cool wind grabs my attention everytime it picks up.  Just when I seem to focus on something else, or even lose my focus altogether, the cold breeze snaps me back to where I'm at, and making me slightly uncomfortable at times.  The Holy Spirit does this same thing in our lives.  Messiah said that the Holy Spirit will "convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" (John 16:8).   He goes on to say, "of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged." (v.9).

The faithfulness of God will not let us rest if He is indeed calling us.  The Spirit of the living God is ever pursuing us, trying to get our attention when we get too comfortable with the things of this world and lose our focus.  The ruler of this world (the devil) IS judged, Yeshua said, and the world itself is not concerned with the things of God.  We are to be IN the world, but not OF it.  If we get too cozy in this place, the Holy Spirit lovingly (which sometimes means sternly) reminds us that this is not our home!
He also brings to our remembrance everything that Yeshua said, which was everything that the Father had told Him to say.  We aren't told anything new by the Spirit, but everything that the Father is constantly speaking to us.  We are righteous if we're in HIM.  We are to be holy because HE is holy.  We are to walk just as Messiah walked which was in obedience to His perfect Word.

So I'll take that crisp, cool breeze this morning.  I have many things to learn, and who better to teach me than THE Teacher!  Besides, I know that later in the day, when it's unbearably hot, that wind will be very, very comforting.

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