

What Real Blessing Is...

How many times do we hear people say (or we say ourselves), "I am so blessed", or, "that is such a blessing."?

What is blessing?  Is it really what we think it is?

Rather than try and expound on this with my finite understanding and feeble words, I'll just let the Lord speak for Himself!

Blessed is the one...

   - who doesn't walk in the counsel of the wicked. - Psalm 1:1
   - whose sins are forgiven. - Psalm 32:1-2
   - who trusts in Yahweh. - Psalm 40:4
   - who considers the poor. - Psalm 41:1
   - whom God calls to approach Him. - Psalm 65:4
   - who fears Yahweh and delights in His Commandments. - Psalm 112:1
   - who walks in the Law of Yahweh. - Psalm 119:1
   - who gives freely. - Isaiah 32:20
   - who is hated for Messiah's sake. - Luke 6:22
   - who hears and keeps the Word of God. - Luke 11:28
   - who is found watching and waiting for the Master. Luke 12:37
   - who believes without seeing. - John 20:29
   - who endures temptation. - James 1:12
   - who does Yahweh's Commandments. - Revelation 22:14

Though there are many other Scriptures that speak of blessing, these are very clear as to what it is and how a person looks, who is truly blessed.


  1. What He says is blessing is a blessing to be reminded of! :)

  2. Amen! His Word is endless in provocation and encouragement.
